REVIEW: Recursive: Defined in terms of itself Recursive Algorithm: Calls itself Rules of Recursion: (1) One or more base cases (2) Each recursive call makes progress toward a base case (recursive calls solve smaller version of the original problem) When to use recursion: (1) Recursive Data Folder = File* + Folder* Family Tree Family = Father + Mother + Children*, but children have their own families, so Family = Father + Mother + Family* EXAMPLE: [] (2) Divide-and-Conquer SolveProblem(P) if (P is small and can be solved directly) Solve P directly else Divide P into smaller sub-problems p1, p2, ..., pn SolveProblem(p1); SolveProblem(p2); ... SolveProblem(pn); Combine solutions to p1, p2, ..., pn to create a solution for P return solution for P EXAMPLE: [SortExams.txt] (3) Backtracking Search WordSearch, Maze Solver, Boggle Example: [] NEW MATERIAL: Method Activations Implementing Recursion with the Runtime Stack Deep Recursion Inefficient Recursion Method Activations Use for activation record examples. Draw folder hierarchy and describe what order search will process the folders \ CS235 win05 lectures win06 lectures sp07 lectures CS240 fall06 lectures win07 lectures sp07 lectures CS340 fall06 lectures win07 lectures search(new Folder("\"), "recursion.doc"); search(Folder("\"), "recursion.doc") | |--> search(Folder("\CS235"), "recursion.doc") | |--> search(Folder("\CS235\win05"), "recursion.doc") | |--> search(Folder("\CS235\win05\lectures"), "recursion.doc") Recursion results in multiple, simultaneous activations of the same method Each activation of a method gets its own copy of the method's parameters and local variables so that different activations don't interfere with each other Runtime Stack / Activation Records The parameters and local variables for a method activation are stored in an "Activation Record". Activation Record Format: ============ Local Vars ------------ Parameters ============ EXAMPLE: ============ subFolder file it ------------ name folder ============ Activation records for all currently active methods are stored on a stack called the "Runtime Stack". Every time a program calls a method, the currently running method activation is suspended, an activation record is created for the new method activation, and populated with the parameter values and local variables for that method call. The new activation record is pushed on the top of the runtime stack. Whenever a method wants to access its parameter values or local variables, it goes to the activation record that is currently on top of the stack. EXAMPLE search(new Folder("\"), "taxes.doc"); ============ subFolder file it ------------ name --------------> "recursion.doc" folder -------------- ============ V subFolder ---------> Folder("\CS235\win05\lectures") file it ------------ name --------------> "recursion.doc" folder -------------- ============ V subFolder ---------> Folder("\CS235\win05") file it ------------ name --------------> "recursion.doc" folder -------------- ============ V subFolder ---------> Folder("\CS235") file it ------------ name ------------> "recursion.doc" folder ------------> Folder("\") ============ RUNTIME STACK Deep Recursion The runtime stack has a maximum size. Since each recursive call pushes another activation record on the runtime stack, deep recursion can overflow the runtime stack. In Java you will get a StackOverflowException Run and see probe the limit on recursion depth EXAMPLE: Iterating over a list can be done using either a loop or recursion. If recursion is used, you can easily exceed the maximum recursion depth. In an editor, demonstrate how recursion can be used to iterate over an ArrayList instead of a loop: void processList(ArrayList list, int index) { if (index < list.size()) { Object listElem = list.get(index); // process listElem processList(list, index + 1); } } Recursion that may go arbitrarily deep should be avoided (use loops instead). [Tail recursion may be handled more efficiently, but this should be verified.] Inefficient Recursion The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers defined by the following formula: fib(0) = 0 fib(1) = 1 fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) We would like to implement a method fib(n) that will return the value of the nth Fibonacci number. This can be done both iteratively and recursively. Show and explain the code in Run the code using iterFib and then using recFib. Why such a big difference in running times? Computing the nth Fibonacci number only takes (n-1) additions. Why does the recursive version take so long? Draw a tree representing the recursive calls that are made to compute fib(5) and show how many redundant recursive calls are made. This redundancy results in an algorithm that is O(((sqrt(5) + 1) / 2)^n) where the iterative algorithm is O(n). When using recursion, it is important to avoid such duplication of effort. One technique for removing the duplication is to store the answer for each recursive call in a table. Whenever the recursive function is called, the first thing it does is check the table to see if the answer for the current parameter value has already been computed. If so, it just returns the recorded answer. If not, it computes the answer and puts it in the table. This way the same value is never computed twice.